Friday 18 April 2008

Chlorine, Custard Creams and Conspiracys....

So, the New World Order- myth or what our future may look like? Can't really decide...although its doubtful its that simple a question. It's definately been tried before- Hitler and his New Order of Europe following his Nazi regime....the United Nations.....the European Union followed by the Euro....World Trade Commission....Trilateral Commission....and the events that followed 9/11. Maybe it doesn't sound so bad- one currency, one religion, one government- it would certainly mean no wars. Or would it? I'm going to say no, it wouldn't. If the people that inhabit this Earth are forced to conform towards one way of thinking and one way to believe, surely that would lead to more conflict than there has ever been today? We have always fought the dictators that have oppressed millions of people and killed thousands for not conforming to their beliefs, yet could it be that these people- the people who appear to stand up and fight for freedom, are the ones plotting to 'unite' the world under one regime?
Lets take America for example. They were the ones who wanted to invaded Iraq and Afghanistan- both for obvious and not-so-obvious reasons, but thats a different story for a different day. They destroyed Saddam's dictatorship over Iraq and in turn destroyed him. Not complaining of course. But surely, by invading this country, overturning their Government and replacing it with a more Western-friendly alternative is slightly screaming out New World Order. The uniting of the UK and USA over this long-running war has also raised a few questions- two of the most powerful countries in the world fighting against 'terrorism'.....pretty much means they could do anything they want to do. They have the funds to go to war with any country that they happen to throw a dart at and no doubt succeed. The amount of countries that already speak English as their primary language in the World is phenonmenal, and the rate at which other languages are fading is ridiculous. In terms of language, the middle east is definately a threat. Arabic is one of the most spoken languages in the world- defiantely one of the hardest, coming from someone who did one year of a bachelors degree in it! I remember someone once saying to me "Arabic is the language to learn- soon the whole world will be speaking it if the terrorists get their way"- but we don't tend to look at it from their point of view...maybe they are trying to defend their identities from Westernisation. Certainly in the UK, schools aren't that fussed about languages and most people go on holiday and expect everyone to speak English. I personally find this so ignorant but I find myself doing it when travelling to a country that doesn't speak French, Spanish, Japanese or Arabic. People just exepct that one day everyone will be speaking English. And religion- that's another issue that this war has raised. Religion is the main cause for this 'war on terror' and comes down to difference of opinion. I'm not religious, never have been. Sure I believe that there might be something out there, but only in my darkest hours, or when we are losing at football. It's comforting to have faith in something, no matter how small or unorthodox. Islam, Judaism and Christianity all follow the same God and similar teachings- so why is there so much hatred? Is it our inability to accept different opinions? Or is it that we don't like people that are different to us? Personally I love learning about different cultures and beliefs- I don't neccessarily agree with them but I believe it's important to be open-minded. Maybe the people of the middle east see the western world as a threat; maybe they can see the beginnings of this New World Order and want to stop it? I'm not condoning anything- I just like to look at things from different angles.
Some people might see a New World Order as a good thing- there would certainly be no more differences to fight over. But we would still find something to fight over, and when we did, the Government wouldn't hestitate in destroying us. I think that in order for the New World Order to exist and work as intended, there would have to be a genocide on a world wide level because no one alive in this world today would give up their faith, their beliefs......their identity.

Thursday 17 April 2008

Welcome To My World

Welcome. I thought it was about time I jumped on the blogging bandwagon as it's definately more efficient than writing my rambling thoughts in my millions of notebooks. I am slightly obsessed with making lists, collecting quotes from various forms of media and taking too many photos so I figured I might as well share them with the world, right? I'm not the most interesting person in the world, but I do think too much, I am over emotional and I am certainly easily inspired.
I made a list earlier today to stick on my wall- bands I have to see before I die. Well I use future tense but most of them included (shown in italics) I have already seen. So here goes:
  • The Streets
  • The Arctic Monkeys
  • U2
  • Pink
  • Avril Lavigne
  • Green Day
  • Jimmy Eat World
  • Kate Nash
  • Bowling 4 Soup
  • Lost Prophets
  • Jack Penate
  • Paramore
  • Fall Out Boy
  • Hellogoodbye
  • Plain White T's
  • Cobra Starship
  • The Ordinary Boys
  • Panic! At the Disco
  • Girls Aloud
  • The Twang
  • McFly
  • Spice Girls

Current activities include: Watching Zodiac with my best friend (who is laughing at pictures of llamas on google). Putting pictures up from our trip to the beach on Facebook. Smiling at the text my boyfriend just sent me- such a school girl.

Current thoughts: Where is this film actually going? I should have probably paid more attention. I really need to go to bed soon. What shall I do with my day tomorrow?

Current books: "We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families" and my trusty conspiracy book, of which I am condensing into my own trusty scrapbook.

Current songs: Craig David- Walking Away, Christina Aguilera- The Voice Within, Wiley- Wearing my Rolex.

"We are always waiting for our lives to begin- like figuring we will be someone else one day. What are we waiting for? All we have is now- don’t run from it."